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Development Programs

Intro to Volleyball (IV) Program

Intro to Volleyball is an introductory program for new/beginner players.  $55/course

Train and Play 1 (TnP1) Program

Train and Play 1 is a beginner/intermediate program with training and scrimmages each week.  $130/course

Train and Play 2 (TnP2) Program

Train and Play 2 is as intermediate-level program with training and scrimmages each week.  $150/course

Intro to volleyball (iv) PROGRAM

Prerequisites: The desire to learn to play volleyball. 

Description: iV focuses on cultivating the basic volleyball skills and building a love of the game! Take advantage of this opportunity to make new friends, develop life lessons, improve your volleyball skills and have fun! 

Participants: New/beginners to volleyball; girls ages 6-18 and boys ages 6-14


  • IV is offered monthly.  (This program is divided by age, Younger (6-12) and Older (13-18) courses.)

  • Each IV course runs for 4 weeks; one session per week; one hour per session.

Cost: $55 per course.

IV Course information:

We have split the courses based on age groups (make sure you sign up for the right session)

Course Dates

  • January (Age 13-18): Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 (Tuesdays at 5:00pm)
  • January (Age 6-12): Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 (Thursdays at 6:00pm)
  • February (Age 13-18): Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 (Tuesdays at 5:00pm)
  • February (Age 6-12): Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 (Thursdays at 6:00pm)
  • March (Age 13-18): Mar 4, 11, 18, 25 (Tuesdays at 5:00pm)
  • March (Age 6-12): Mar 6, 13, 20, 27 (Thursdays at 6:00pm)

Intro to Volleyball Cost: $55 per course (4 1-hour sessions)



Click on the link above to register for the Intro to Volleyball course in SportsEngine.  If you have any questions, contact the Club Director at 240-298-3502.

Train and Play 1 (TnP1) Program

Prerequisites:  No special skills or previous experience is required, just desire to play and positive attitude! 

Description: TnP1 teaches individual volleyball skills and introduces team play in 4v4 format to maximize touches and teach leadership and cooperation

Participants: Beginner/intermediate; Girls ages 13-18 and Boys ages 13-16

** If athlete is 12 or younger, please call club director for opportunities.


  • TnP 1 is offered monthly

  • Each TnP 1 course runs for 4 weeks; two sessions per week; training day is 1.5 hours and scrimmage day is 45 minutes

Cost: $130 per course.


TNP1 Course information:

Dates and Times are below.

  • The training day (first date for each week) goes for 1.5 hours
  • The scrimmage day (second date for each week) goes for approximately  45 minutes 

Course Dates:

  • January: Jan 7/9, 14/16, 21/23, 28/30; Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm
  • FebruaryFeb 4/6, 11/13, 18/20, 25/27; Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm
  • March: Mar 4/6, 11/13, 18/20, 25/27; Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm

Train and Play 1 Cost: $130 per course (8 sessions)


Click on the link above to register for the Intro to Volleyball course in SportsEngine.  If you have any questions, contact the Club Director at 240-298-3502.

Train and Play 2 (TnP2) Program

Prerequisites:  Prior attendance of a Train and Play I or Regional team experience AND with a Coach recommendation is required to sign up for TnP2.  This course is intended for intermediate-level players.

Description: TnP2 teaches individual volleyball skills and introduces team play in 6v6 format to learn offensive/defensive systems

Participants: Intermediate players; girls ages 13-18 and Boys ages 13-16

** If athlete is 12 or younger, please call club director for opportunities.


  • TnP2 is offered during certain months of the year

  • Each TnP2 course runs for 4 weeks; two sessions per week; training day is 1.5 hours and play day is 45 minutes

Cost: $150 for the course.

TnP2 Course Information:

Dates and Times are below.

  • The training day (first date for each week) goes for 1.5 hours
  • The scrimmage day (second date for each week) goes for approximately  45 minutes 

Course Dates:

  • No course held in November through March

There is a cap in each course, so sign up early before they fill up.

Train and Play 2 Cost: $150 per course (8 sessions)


If you have any questions, contact the Club Director at 240-298-3502.

Sponsored by 431Sports


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Sponsored by The Community Foundation of Utah

The Community Foundation of Utah

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Sponsored by Intermountain Volleyball Association

Intermountain Volleyball Association

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